Convert HTM to PDF

Convert HTM to PDF online, by software or command line

Convert HTM to PDF

What is HTML?

HTML is a language for describing web pages.

  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
  • HTML is a markup language.
  • A markup language is a set of markup tags.
  • The tags describe document content.
  • HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text.
  • HTML documents are also called web pages.


You can convert HTM to PDF by our online program, PDFConvert desktop software or command line program.

Convert HTM to PDF Online

HTM to PDF Converter Form
Local HTM File: (*.HTM; *.HTML)

Use this form to upload a local HTM file and convert the HTM file to PDF file.

1. Click the "Choose File" button (different web browsers may have different button names such as "browse..."), a browse window will open, select a local HTM file and click the "Open" button.
2. Click the "Convert Now!" button to convert. Wait a few seconds for the file conversion to finish.
3. You can download or view the output PDF file on your web browser after conversion.

Convert HTM to PDF software

Add document files

After installing PDFConvert software, click Start - Programs - PDFConvert - PDFConvert to run.

Click "Create PDF" link, click "Html to PDF" button on the left, click "Add Files" button to add local HTM files. You can also directly drag HTM files from file explorer and drop to list.

After adding HTM files into the list. You can click the "Create PDF" button to create PDF file from the document files you selected.

The default output directory is "PDFConvert" directory in "My Document". PDFConvert will try to create this directory if it doesn't exist and open it when conversion is completed.

Convert HTM to PDF command line

Download pdfconvert.exe, and run pdfconvert.exe command line program to convert HTM to PDF on background without windows showed.
Shows all command line parameters of pdfconvert.exe.
input files
For example: pdfconvert.exe /i "c:\htm\1.htm"
output folder
For example: pdfconvert.exe /o "c:\pdf"
/cs 4000
convert html file to pdf file
For example: This command will convert local HTML file "c:\htm\1.htm" to PDF file "c:\pdf\1.pdf".
pdfconvert.exe /cs 4000 /i "c:\htm\1.htm" /o "c:\pdf"