Online Programs

Online Programs - Convert GIF to PDF online


GIF to PDF Converter Form
Local GIF image File: (*.GIF)
Conversion engine: Default Engine   Alternative Engine

Need to convert multiple image files to one single PDF file? Try our brand new JPG to PDF online converter.

Use this form to upload a local GIF or other image file and convert it to PDF file.

1. Click the "Choose File" button (different web browsers may have different button names such as "browse..."), a browse window will open, select a local GIF image file and click the "Open" button.
Our online PDF converter supports more than 100 image formats such as JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF or TIFF etc. Check all supported image formats.
2. Click the "Convert Now!" button to convert. Each frame in animated GIF image will be saved as one single image in PDF. Wait a few seconds for the file conversion to finish.
3. You can download or view the output PDF file on your web browser after conversion. No email address required to receive files.

GIF Image Format: GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe in 1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability. GIF supports animations and allows a separate palette of up to 256 colors for each frame. PNG offers better compression and more features than GIF, animation being the only significant exception. PNG is more suitable than GIF in instances where true-color imaging and alpha transparency are required.